Why Choose Dot Net for Enterprise Application Development in 2021?

Success belongs to disruptors who think beyond normal to develop unique ideas powered by technology and innovation. Thus, in modern times, businesses need to put innovation at the heart of their application, and therefore, they need solid technical partners to support and develop such applications. Current enterprise application options are a mix of a legacy system and new digital technology.

However, businesses need enterprise application services that can serve the dual purpose of - covering all the business processes while providing speed and agility. Sharing clearly defined requirements and timely communication with your tech partner pave the way for successful enterprise application development. But most essential in all this is to choose the right technology for your application development.

As per stats, 75% of all enterprise applications run on dot net framework. Thus, no wonder, with advanced technology, you need a reliable dot net web development company for the success of your application.

There are significant reasons why most enterprise application development companies prefer Microsoft Dot Net. But before we dive into that, let’s understand what an enterprise application is. 

Enterprise Application:

Enterprise Application is stimulated by innovation and technology that solves problems occurring in a business’ daily workings. It is software used by enterprises in the abetment of business efficiency. The objective of this development is to build an application that computerizes the complete mechanism of an enterprise. It strengthens the future growth of a business by boosting its agility and velocity.

It is primarily sectioned into four types of applications:

  • Supply Chain Management System

  • Enterprise System

  • Knowledge Management System

  • Customer Relationship Management System

According to the enterprise’s type, size, the scale of operations, etc., it can choose the system it wants and modify what suits them best.

Why Microsoft Dot Net for Enterprise Development?

Enterprise systems built on dot Net framework offers high performance and improved business efficiency. It also provides solutions that can be made fast for an enterprises’ growth.

Here are the top reasons why dot net web app development service providers choose this framework over others.

Ease of Use 

Microsoft Dot Net is a free and open-source framework with the most extensive class libraries in coding languages that help developers to build a solid enterprise system. Its integration compatibility with different types of databases is also phenomenal. Consisting of numerous tools, it helps in creating an easy-to-use enterprise application.

Effortless Maintenance  

Dot Net framework works on object-oriented programming. Thus, the software already consists of necessary codes and hence helps minimize unwanted coding for developers. Microsoft also provides full-time support for the enterprises and regular fixes of glitches, bugs, and errors in the software. It reduces the rewriting of similar sets of codes, which helps dot net web development companies by saving time needed for modification, up-gradation, or de-bugging.

Safe and secure applications

Security is a crucial aspect of an enterprise application. Dot Net offers a component that allows developers to write safe and secure code and allows administrators to set customized access and authority permissions. It offers users immediate and essential security benefits with features like managed runtime, code checks, code access security, character approvals, and encryptions.

Easily Scalabilable

An organization is constantly growing or changing. It is never stagnant. To match with that, Microsoft Dot Net was made to scale quickly with the program. With application extension, it provides a versatile platform that can adapt to the changes in your enterprise, both horizontally and vertically. Thus, businesses need not reinvest in another system if the current one is not compatible with the new scale of business. 

Cross-platform and language compatibility

Among all the features on why dot net web app development service providers use Microsoft Dot Net for Enterprise Application Development, compatibility is crucial. It is multi-device runnable with cross-device improvisation features. Application built on it maintains the same user experience in all of the multiple devices. Integration with the existing systems also becomes easy and smooth with Dot Net. Developers can use current systems to compile and recycle components.

Adaptability with the Existing System

Dot Net is also adaptive to every coding language and platform to build an enterprise system known to humankind along with easy compatibility. It adds to the security factor of the venue, along with the feasibility. 

Various Components  

Microsoft Dot Net provides a range of components like the .NET framework, User interface, .NET languages, and Visual Studio.Net. The burden on the developers to choose the perfect environment decreases, and it is easier to combine different environments.


With the constant change in operations of an enterprise, it is imperative to build an internal system that resists and adapts to all kinds of change. The future of Microsoft Dot Net is also not a secret. Surveys suggest that the framework is only seen to be growing in the near future. Therefore, it is essential to choose the right dot net web app development agency to build a robust enterprise application for your organization to change the chain of events drastically.


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